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When a mosquito bites an animal with heartworm disease, they transfer the disease to the next animal they bite.

In vet school, Dr Natalie Davis’s roommate adopted an adorable German Shepherd puppy named Winnie. At Winnie’s first puppy visit, the veterinarian diagnosed her with heartworms.

“Dealing with heartworms is a long, tough,” and expensive process says Dr Davis. “It requires a lot of energy from you as a pet owner and from the pet themselves.” Seeing Winnie survive heartworm disease had an impact on Dr Davis and she is passionate about client education and preventive meds.

Mosquitoes increase the transmission of heartworm disease in our pets. And since they’re ever present in Central Texas, we recommend a preventive medication for both cats and dogs.

In this blog, Dr Davis – who’s a veterinarian at Firehouse 183 — answers your questions and offers tips for heartworm prevention.

What is heartworm disease?

Heartworm disease is caused by foot-long worms. Dr Davis says they look like tapeworms. The parasites live in your pet’s heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels of the carrier animal.

According to the Heartworm Society of America, carriers include dogs, cats, ferrets, wolves, coyotes, foxes, and sea lions.

How does a dog (or cat) get heartworm disease?

Mosquitoes transfer this disease from one pet to another. “When mosquitoes bite an infected dog,” says Dr Davis, “they take that infection and pass it along to the next dog they bite.”

Once bitten, the disease spreads into the pet’s bloodstream. The heartworm larvae mature after 6 or 7 months. They live in the heart and lungs, causing damage to these organs.

Coyotes and foxes are known carriers of heartworm disease. Since they live in urban and suburban areas, their presence increases the risk of transmission.

The more pets with heartworms in any area, the higher the risk that mosquitos will carry it and infect other cats and dogs.

Can Cats Get Heartworm Disease?

Even though we often hear “indoor pets don’t need heartworm prevention,” we all know that mosquitoes can make it inside. Keep your cats safe with monthly meds.

Can humans catch heartworms from dogs?


Do dogs and cats really need heartworm medicine?

Yes. “If we have to go through that process of treatment together,” says Dr Davis, “we’ll get through it together.” But your pet will have gone through a pretty terrible sickness.

Firehouse recommends prevention to avoid the whole ordeal. Our client, Lori, gives her dog Sam a heartworm prevention pill on the 25th of each month. “I’ve set a calendar alert,” says Lori, “and we love that one pill protects against heartworms, ticks, and fleas.” They are formulated to taste yummy, so her pup sees them as a treat.

Can a dog (or cat) recover from heartworm disease?

Yes, for dogs. But options are limited for cats.

  • Treatment for dogs is expensive, painful, and has some risks. “We have a protocol,” says Dr Davis. “But we see really good success with it.,” says Dr Davis. “These guys will come out on the other side, and…they live long and happy lives.”
  • Unfortunately, there’s no treatment for heartworms in cats. “We treat their symptoms and keep them as comfortable for as long as we can,” says Dr Davis.

How do I ensure my pet doesn’t have heartworm disease?
Cat and dog owners should have their veterinarian screen for this annually with a simple and inexpensive blood test. We do this at our annual wellness exams.

What are the symptoms of heartworm disease?
Symptoms can be hidden until the disease is advanced. This is why testing is so important to detect early disease.

If your pet is positive for heartworms, you might see them coughing, having difficulty breathing, or showing exercise intolerance.

Don’t risk heartworm disease. Call us to set up your pet’s screening or to put your pet on a preventive medication. You can also book your appointment online. We’re here to ensure your pet is happily by your side for years to come.

4 Tips for Effective Heartworm Prevention:
  • Start your cat and dog on preventive medicine at 8 weeks of age.
  • Continue medicine year-round.
  • We have medication options to suit your cats and dogs: oral, injectable, or topical.
  • Remove standing water near your home (baby pools, flowerpots, etc). Mosquitoes multiply in standing water.
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